Gliding Windows

Gliding Windows
400 Series Sash: Both sash can be opened to the left or right for improved ventilation. The sash that opens first, or the active sash, will always be on the left as viewed from the exterior (outside) of the home. The sash that opens second is the passive sash. Window sash are ordered either as active or passive.
200 Series Sash: Only one operating sash will always be on the left as viewed from the exterior (outside) of the home. The other sash is stationary. Window sash are ordered as either operating or stationary.
100 Series Sash: Available in multiple configurations including a single gliding sash with one stationary sash, or a three sash configuration with two sash gliding past a fixed center sash.
Perma-Shield Gliding: Available in multiple configurations including a single gliding sash with one stationary sash, or a three sash configuration with two sash gliding past a fixed center sash.
Primed Gliding: Replacement parts are not available.